Tuesday, November 30, 2010

the LInk

after all that I forgot to leave the link
check my side bar and you find a link to it there:)

God and Suffering

our church finished an amazing! series on
God and Suffering
and if you have EVER wondered
why do these things happen
where is God in all of this?
if there is one?
Please I implore you.....

you can watch the video of the sermons
you can download and listen while you go to work
or whatever
it takes about 40 minutes to listen to

commit to it
make the time
it will challenge
and refresh your thinking

the pace is fast and you do need to sit up and
pay attention
he packs a lot in

what I love
is that he teaches about
who God is

not who you think He is
or want him to be
just because you want to
or some family member told you

but are taught from the bible form the point of
who the bible says Jesus is
and that matters

at least get your information correct
and then turn your nose up at it
but do it from an informed
you WILL be surprised by what you hear

and maybe some hope and healing
can occur
in the broken lives around you (and me)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"Swankekel Weiner" Advert Shot

ok...tell me how you could resist
hiring this sweet thang
to walk your weiner dog?

"Swankekel Weiner Dog Walker"
at your service!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

last summer.....
I am starting another photo wall
I am thinking lots of images all over
we'll see how I do


The Blu Last Summer

just wish it was this easy to go and purchase one of these
but then again,
many might want to return theirs ........

she has been begging us for a mini dog
one her size
one she could walk
and not run the risk of losing her life
(like she does with Bella and Molly)

"Swankakle Weiner"

is the dogs name
not the most attractive
but she is willing to
be a tiny dog walker
while she waits til we concede

can you image her poster of advertisement?
I fear for our neighborhood dogs

the move has been trying with respect to home
moving rooms
house issues

I struggle with organization
I've read the books
I'd talked to the experts in my life
but I fail daily
I just want a place for everything so
when it has to go away it has some place to go
I want it to look cute
I don't want expense
that is too much pressure
I love finding what I need at some 2nd hand shop
but that means
I can't have what I desire
the daily mission is chore
everyone doing what is required
when it is required without my opening my mouth!
I have embraced many different chore systems
but my latest just might produce the results
I am desiring
I hope i will remember to post a photo :)
just hoping it is helpful for anyone else out there

I have put it together but little people keep stealing it
which makes it difficult
if anyone else has systems that help them
I would love to see some! please email them to me:)

Saturday, November 13, 2010